Smerdon, J.E., A. Kaplan, D. Chang and M. N. Evans, 2010: A pseudoproxy evaluation of the CCA and RegEM methods for reconstructing climate fields of the last millennium, Journal of Climate, 23, 4856-4880, doi:10.1175/2010JCLI3328.1. (pdf)
UPDATE (3/21/2011): Due to a production error at the publisher the above article was subject to a corrigendum. The article linked above reflects the correction, while the originally published article can be found here. Nothing in the below linked files has changed as a result of the corrigendum.
The directory package containing the codes, the corresponding data and the README file for reproducing the CCA reconstructions described in the above paper can be downloaded here: (16.5 MB).
The larger set of data files (i.e. the individual CCA and RegEM field reconstructions, the target field and pseudoproxies) can be individually downloaded at the links in the table below. Please note that the formats of some of the individual files in the table are different from those contained in the data directory of the above zip file. The reconstructions provided as text files in the table are two-dimensional arrays in which the first column is the calendar year and the remaining 669 columns correspond to the reconstructed time series in each grid cell of the target domain. The locations of the reconstructed grid cells are mapped to the geographic data in the locsNH.dat file as follows: columns 2 through 670 in the reconstruction files correspond to the grid cell with coordinates (longitude and latitude of the grid cell centers) that are given by rows 1 through 669 in the locsNH.dat file. This convention is also adopted for the file containing the CCSM target field in the table. Similarly, columns 1 through 104 in the pseudoproxy files correspond to the locations given in rows 1 through 104 in the locspprox.dat file.
Supplementary materials for the RegEM reconstructions were previously documented here. Please note, however, that while the documentation and codes for the earlier RegEM reconstructions are still applicable, the data at the previous site suffered from orientation errors that have been documented by Smerdon et al. ('Erroneous Model Field Representations in Multiple Pseudoproxy Studies: Corrections and Implications,' Journal of Climate, 2010) and at the supplementary website here.
- Data File Descriptions
- CCA Field Reconstruction (SNR = Infinity)
- Data File Links
- CCArecon_00_13_34_26.dat
- Data File Descriptions
- CCA Field Reconstruction (SNR = 1.0)
- Data File Links
- CCArecon_50_10_23_12.dat
- Data File Descriptions
- CCA Field Reconstruction (SNR = 0.5)
- Data File Links
- CCArecon_80_6_22_10.dat
- Data File Descriptions
- CCA Field Reconstruction (SNR = 0.25)
- Data File Links
- CCArecon_94_3_30_4.dat
- Data File Descriptions
- RegEM-Ridge Field Reconstruction (SNR = Infinity)
- Data File Links
- RegEMrecon_00.dat
- Data File Descriptions
- RegEM-Ridge Field Reconstruction (SNR = 1.0)
- Data File Links
- RegEMrecon_50.dat
- Data File Descriptions
- RegEM-Ridge Field Reconstruction (SNR = 0.5)
- Data File Links
- RegEMrecon_80.dat
- Data File Descriptions
- RegEM-Ridge Field Reconstruction (SNR = 0.25)
- Data File Links
- RegEMrecon_94.dat
- Data File Descriptions
- CCSM Target Field
- Data File Links
- CCSM_targetfield.dat
- Data File Descriptions
- CCSM Target Field Grid Locations
- Data File Links
- locsNH.dat
- Data File Descriptions
- CCSM Pseudoproxies (SNR = Infinity)
- Data File Links
- ccsm_pprox00.dat
- Data File Descriptions
- CCSM Pseudoproxies (SNR = 1.0)
- Data File Links
- ccsm_pprox50.dat
- Data File Descriptions
- CCSM Pseudoproxies (SNR = 0.5)
- Data File Links
- ccsm_pprox80.dat
- Data File Descriptions
- CCSM Pseudoproxies (SNR = 0.25)
- Data File Links
- ccsm_pprox94.dat
- Data File Descriptions
- CCSM Pseudoproxies Locations
- Data File Links
- locspprox.dat
This material is based upon work supported in part by the National Science Foundation (Grants: ATM0902436, ATM0902715, and ATM0407909) and the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration (Grants: NA07OAR4310060 and NAOAR4320912).
Final Website Version Posted on August 19th, 2010