Data: Model-Dependent Spatial Skill in Pseudoproxy Experiments Testing Climate Field Reconstruction Methods for the Common Era

Smerdon, J.E., S. Coats, and T. R. Ault, 2015: Climate Dynamics, 2684, doi: 10.1007/s00382-015-2684-0

Smerdon, J.E., S. Coats, and T. R. Ault, 2015: Model-Dependent Spatial Skill in Pseudoproxy Experiments Testing Climate Field Reconstruction Methods for the Common Era, Climate Dynamics, 2684, DOI: 10.1007/s00382-015-2684-0

This website serves as the data porthole for the pseudoproxy experiments described and presented in the above listed paper. Data files can be individually downloaded at the links in the tables below. The reconstructions provided as text files in the table are two-dimensional arrays in which the first column is the calendar year and the remaining 1732 columns correspond to the reconstructed time series in each grid cell of the target domain. The locations of the reconstructed grid cells are mapped to the geographic data in the locs_target.dat file as follows: columns 2 through 1733 in the reconstruction files correspond to the grid cell with coordinates (longitude and latitude of the grid cell centers) that are given by rows 1 through 1732 in the locs_target.dat file. This convention is also adopted for the file containing the model target fields in each of the tables. Similarly, columns 2 through 284 in the pseudoproxy files correspond to the locations given in rows 1 through 284 in the locs_pprox.dat file. The individual subdirectories also can be directly accessed to acquire the reconstruction input data and the climate field reconstructions for each model experiment.

BCC Pseudoproxy Experiments

CCSM Pseudoproxy Experiments

GISS Pseudoproxy Experiments

IPSL Pseudoproxy Experiments

MPI Pseudoproxy Experiments

This material is based upon work supported in part by the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration:
Grants NA10OAR4320137 and NA11OAR4310166

Website Version Posted on August 5th, 2015