Wahl, E. R., and J.E. Smerdon, 2012: Comparative performance of paleoclimate field and index reconstructions derived from climate proxies and noise-only predictors, Geophysical Research Letters, 39, L06703, doi:10.1029/2012GL051086. [Auxiliary Materials].
Wahl, E. R., and J.E. Smerdon, 2012: Comparative performance of paleoclimate field and index reconstructions derived from climate proxies and noise-only predictors, Geophysical Research Letters, 39, L06703, doi:10.1029/2012GL051086. [Auxiliary Materials].
This website provides additional supplementary material including data files and figure code to aid in the reproduction of our work in the above paper. The files are provided in the table below and encompass three categories.
Primary Reconstruction Results:
1) SW_NAm_Recon_MeanT_1500-1980.dat: The spatial mean of the expected value.
2) SW_NAm_Recon_Grid_1500-1980.nc: The spatially-explitcit value of the reconstruction across the target grid.
3) SW_NAm_Recon_Grid_Uncert_1500-1980.nc: The full 1000-member uncertainty ensemble of the reconstructions.
4) SW_NAm_Recon_Grid_Uncert_1500-1980_mean_sd.nc: The mean and standard deviation of the full 1000-member uncertainty ensemble of the reconstructions.
Proxy Data:
1) WesternNAmITRDB_1400_GRL.txt: Tree-ring proxy data used in the reconstructions.
Distribution Data:
1) Proxy and pseudoproxy distribution data for the validations of the CFR and Index reconstructions. The column structures of the files are listed in the make figure file discussed below and provided in the below table.
2) Make figure file to read in the distribution data and plot the distributions in Figures 1-3 of the main text.
Data and Figure Files
- The spatial mean of the expected reconstruction values. [5 KB]
- SW_NAm_Recon_MeanT_1500-1980.dat
- The spatially-explitcit value of the reconstruction across the target grid. [134 KB]
- SW_NAm_Recon_Grid_1500-1980.nc
- The full 1000-member uncertainty ensemble of the reconstructions. [128 MB]
- SW_NAm_Recon_Grid_Uncert_1500-1980.nc
- Mean and standard deviation of the full 1000-member uncertainty ensemble of the reconstructions. [266 KB]
- SW_NAm_Recon_Grid_Uncert_1500-1980_mean_sd.nc
- Tree-ring proxy data used in the reconstructions. [243 KB]
- WesternNAmITRDB_1400_GRL.txt
- Distribution data for the real CFR validation results [89 KB]
- Validation.stats_real_proxy.txt
- Distribution data for the pseudoproxy CFR validation results [185 MB]
- Validation.stats_pseudo_proxy.txt
- Distribution data for the real Index validation results [70 KB]
- Validation.stats_real_proxy_MEAN_REG.txta>
- Distribution data for the pseudoproxy Index validation results [71 MB]
- Validation.stats_pseudo_proxy_MEAN_REG.txt
- Matlab code to make the figures in the main GRL article
- mkfigs_main.m
This material is based upon work supported in part by NSF grant ATM0902436 (JES), by NOAA grants NA07OAR4310060 and NA10OAR4320137 (JES), and by the Weather and Climate Impacts Assessment Science Program, NCAR (ERW).
Website Version Posted on March 28th, 2012